Thursday, January 6, 2011

New class. New Project.

Its that time again, and I am in a new class, Senior Project and it is exactly how it sounds. I've got ten weeks to make a portolio piece that shows off my abilities. I'm a level designer and a modeler so my first instinct is to make a fun level. I spent about a day thinking about what would make a cool level that has not been over done by other students at the school.

I kept something with a church or a cathedral. If I made a cathedral, the project would be completely focused on modeling and texturing rather than the level itself. A smaller church would be a bit easier to model but the level wouldn't be good enough for a good stage. I was searching churches and cathedrals in Europe and I came across the catacombs in France and that was it. Catacombs have been in a few games in the past but has not been done at the school before and also gives me complete freedom to do what I wish with the level itself. I'm not making a copy of the catacombs, but what I'd be making would be my idea of some catacombs underneath a small church.

This idea gives me the freedom to do some modeling, level design, and kismet coding which are important to level designers. Below is an interesting picture of the catacombs feel that I'll be aiming for.

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