Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bloggy blog

Quick update, kismet doors are working good now I'm getting to the traps. This is my first time doing this type of kismet, so I may have to call on some friends for their experience. We'll see how things go in the next few days.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Its almost midterms!

After being sick for a good part of last week, I'm just now getting caught up to speed with the project process. I've got the level block-in done and I'm doing some modeling and kismet work to get things in place to where they need to be. I gave myself two weeks to model and two weeks to texture so I've got little bit of room to catch up. I will have some extra time off from work next week so hopefully I'll be able to get things ahead of schedule again. I'm still continuing to model and work with kismet on traps/doors/enemies this weekend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update with progress!

This week has been a busy one but I still managed to get some work done. I finished the map and figuring out some traps to go in the level along with part of the level document done. I've began working on the block-in part of the level. This phase is where I get an Unreal level made with no assets or textures, just the bare layout of the level the way I want it. I'm almost finished with this part of the process, then I can begin working with Kismet to make everything work correctly, like doors, traps, enemies, water, and camera sequences. My goal this week is to have most of the Unreal things done so I can start modeling assets.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Concept Document and Map

This week, I've made up my mind with my project. I'm making a level based on a small church and the catacombs underneath it. I am in the process of making the design document and the map for this week. The sooner I get these things done along with a block-in of the level, the sooner I can start modeling, texturing, and coding for the level. I've got to think of different traps for different areas in the level. These traps must be difficult but have a clear solution to them so the player can get past them without a ton of challenge. As the level progresses, the traps get harder to overcome. Challenges make levels fun and thats what's important.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ideas are brewing

This coming week I plan to take a trip to St. Hugo of the Hills Church and take some reference pictures so I can start getting the concept of the level down. The sooner I get reference pictures, the sooner I can start drawing out a map for the level itself. I'm trying to get things going with a good start so this project can shape up to be something awesome. Milestones will be soon to come, including a concept document, level flowchart/map, and a basic block-in level. Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New class. New Project.

Its that time again, and I am in a new class, Senior Project and it is exactly how it sounds. I've got ten weeks to make a portolio piece that shows off my abilities. I'm a level designer and a modeler so my first instinct is to make a fun level. I spent about a day thinking about what would make a cool level that has not been over done by other students at the school.

I kept something with a church or a cathedral. If I made a cathedral, the project would be completely focused on modeling and texturing rather than the level itself. A smaller church would be a bit easier to model but the level wouldn't be good enough for a good stage. I was searching churches and cathedrals in Europe and I came across the catacombs in France and that was it. Catacombs have been in a few games in the past but has not been done at the school before and also gives me complete freedom to do what I wish with the level itself. I'm not making a copy of the catacombs, but what I'd be making would be my idea of some catacombs underneath a small church.

This idea gives me the freedom to do some modeling, level design, and kismet coding which are important to level designers. Below is an interesting picture of the catacombs feel that I'll be aiming for.