Thursday, September 30, 2010

Character Complete

Well, these 10 weeks have flown by. The character is 100% complete. This whole process was fun. I cant wait to get started on the next character. Next time around I'm going to get the model much more complete before progressing on everything else. The unwrap process was somewhat easy but I'd love to get into zbrush for some detail work next time. Texturing was fun but I need to perfect the painting shadows and lights of different materials. Overall, this was a great learning experience and I cannot wait to create something new.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Some Character Renders

Here are some renders of the character. I've got a few more small tweaks to do but a final composite picture will be up here next week and maybe some movies of the character.

Character Texture - Complete!

Eye Texture

Specular Map

Normal Map

Diffuse Map

After a ton of time spent on the texturing character is textured. I used a few different methods to get everything the way I wanted. I tried crazy bumping but it didn't come out as I had pictured, so I decided to mess with the settings and paint on my normal map. Painting on the normal map came out with pretty decent results but if I had my choice, I would have used zbrush to create a higher poly model for the normal map. Overall, the whole texturing process has been a bit harder than I expected. Modeling is just so much easier for me then unwrapping and texture painting.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Character Unwrap and Texturing

The next part of the process is completed. For those that don't know, this part of the process is where we get ready to paint the texture of the skin, clothes, hair, etc. So we have to "unwrap" the character to pretty much flatten it out so its easier to paint on. The character unwrap was not as bad as I expected. Getting the verts together and welding them was a bit tedius but overall it was a fairly painless process. I'm now currently working on the texturing process. Texturing is not my forte but the better it turns out the better the character will look. More pictures will be up soon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Final Model

It appears that my model is almost complete. I have one small things to do before I can begin the unwrapping process. I have to make some better cuts for the armpits for them to animate better. I threw a biped into the model and tested the rotation of the arm/shoulder and its not there yet. After that is done, I've gotta start next part of the project, which is unwrapping then texturing (maybe normal mapping) then skinning/rigging the character, then finally animating the character. The last three weeks are going to be pretty difficult but the finished product should be worth it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dark Elf Progress

This week in class we've been working on getting a Biped setup with a model and getting it rigged and working correctly. I've taken an animation class before so this task was not too difficult. Also, with any free time I've been working on my Dark elf model. At this point I am almost done, just with the face and head remaining. The face is the single hardest part for me in the modeling process. I'm going to go with the "plane" method and go with that this time. Here's an update on the model so far. I think the most difficult parts of this project will be unwrapping, and animating this guy. Hopefully I'll be able to get through it with a piece of art!