Friday, February 18, 2011

Texturing has begun

This week so far has been pretty successful in terms of Texturing. I've got a couple good textures already, one stained glass texture for some windows, some marble and granite floor tiles for the church. I need a solid wood texture, church stone wall texture, catacomb floor/dirty wall texture and some rusted metal textures for some objects around the stage. Also, some dirty stone texture for the statues. Thing are coming along though, and I will produce more textures over the weekend.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend of Bad

This weekend has been work-filled and not much free time, and yesterday I came down with food poisoning so I've been out of commission to work on anything for a day. Tomorrow will be better...maybe, seeing as it is valentines day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A pre-presentation

This week we were supposed to present our progress and whether we're on track with our milestones in class, but since time was cut short I've got to present on Tuesday. I figured I would post some status updates here in case you cant wait until Tuesday.

I am finishing up modeling and I will soon be texturing the level and objects. I have to finish the statues heads then quickly bone them, model some lanterns and torches for lights, and a few other small things to be done with that. Texturing should be a fairly straight forward process, I've got to make some tile-able textures for the floors of the church/catacombs and the wall/ceiling textures, then the model textures. Once all of those are completed I will be placing assets in the level and making it come to life. I've got about 4 weeks left and I'm slightly behind, but not too far behind. I should be able to get things done on time. Be expecting another post from me in the next couple days for another update on the progress.